Monday, October 03, 2005

Withdraw the Miers Nomination!

(Since this writing, I have e-mailed both the Senators, from North Carolina, and asked both to request that President Bush withdraw the nomination of Harriet Miers to the Supreme Court. Failing that, I asked both Senators to vote against her confirmation when the full Senate votes.)

Another “unknown” selected by the President for the Supreme Court.

The selection of Harriet Miers, as the nominee for the Supreme Court, is seen as a “back handed” slap at the Republican base.

Conservatives are furious and are vowing to fight her nomination in the Judiciary Committee.

I have taken a look at her bio and I can find nothing to recommend her as a conservative. Another negative… she has zero experience as a judge… of any kind.

The President’s choice is in trouble already. His base, the conservative Republicans, feel they have been "sold out" for expediency and do not like it. I shudder to think what the President’s poll numbers will look like next week!

Little is known of Ms. Miers... as of this moment. Frankly, I’m tired of being asked to take the President’s choices, for these positions on the Court, on trust. This is asking too much. Entirely too much. I am not into "blind trust"!

We conservatives were looking forward to the brawl with the Democrats over a Conservative nominee. The rug has been pulled out from under us and we are not happy!

We, here at INSIGHT on Freedom ask the President to withdraw the nomination of Ms. Miers... immediately. The longer this plays out the more damage will be done to the Republican Party. We don't need this. We don't deserve this!

Rest assured the Right will be working, tirelessly, to have this nomination go down in flames.

Again, we urge the President to withdraw this nomination and get on to the selection of a second, known conservative, to the Court.



BFuniv said...
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BFuniv said...

My guess is the Bush advisors knew any appointee would get slammed.

After the last fairly easy roll, Dems had to complain at anyone less than Castro, Republicans have to push their local interests.

Look for an early withdrawl, and perhaps one more red herring, before the real choice.

This is sales and game theory, not public policy.


Anonymous said...

instead of asking Bush to withdraw his nominee. why don't we storm Washington and demand Bush to resign? We need competant leadership, not spineless deserters. "GET PROGRESSIVE OR DIE!"