Thursday, April 06, 2006

The New Senate Immigration Bill is Pure BS!

Remind me again... which party controls the Senate... the House... the Presidency?

This piece of Garbage the US Senate created today is a flat out AMNESTY . It says plainly that if you break the law and come into this country, it's OK! COME ON IN! The Democrats want the votes and the Republicans want the cheap labor!

The solid South, the GOP used to count on... is gone... if the eventual bill, which will come out of Conference, becomes law!

The South is being swamped. We're being over run by an invading army of illegal immigrants intent on reclaiming the Southwest for Mexico and as much of the remaining USA as they can take over. So far they're doing a damn fine job of it... and the GOP is doing NOTHING to stop it. NOTHING!

This move by the Senate, today, puts the stopper in the bottle, so far as the '06 and '08 elections are concerned! The Democrats will make a clean sweep of both.

As soon as I can find a conservative party, I'm leaving the Republican Party primarily because of the cowardice they have shown in leadership positions. What's the point of winning elections and gaining power if they don't have the "stones" to use the power???

For the sake of the country, somebody, please give us a CONSERVATIVE POLITICAL PARTY!



TexasFred said...

Be careful, you'll get thrown in to the Bush Bashing Barrel along with a few others of us...

The "Bush is God" crowd is really shaking right now...

The border thing, amnesty for all, and now Scooter Libby is getting ready to give his brain an enema, under oath...

And I am so glad I'm a Conservative, and not a member of EITHER of these pandering pieces of shit called political parties...

Longstreet said...

Fred: I'm tired of being used to get them elected. Once they get into office, they couldn't care less who brought them to the dance. Well, by God, they're gonna pay for this one!

God help us when the Dems take over as they will this November and in November of '08. Thaye take as straight toward socialism as a Martin to a gourd!

The GOP had the best opportunity any political party could ask for... and they pissed it away!

What a shame!

TexasFred said...

That's how I look at it too, they have a Repub Prez and VPrez, a Repub House AND Senate and the dumb sons a bitches have BLOWN IT...

We are on the road to hell if the Dems take control, and i think they will but anymore there's not a dimes worth of difference between Repub and Dem...

Anonymous said...

Why is it you think the Dems. would be worse than this administration? For 50 years they controlled the house and senate and there was never, I repeat never this much B.S in our nation. The deficit was never this big until your god, Ronald McRegan facist extrodinar took over. The calling of Dems. as socialists or communitsts sickens me, it is an evil done by the extreme right to hide their facist leanings. You have the right running rickshaw over our nation, and our constitution, they need to be held accountable.