Boston Marathon Massacre Crisis Opportunity
By Douglas V. Gibbs
exist. They go about their business, and they worry about their own
lives. As Ted Nugent said, in a comparison of people with deer, "All
they care about is, What am I going to eat next? Who am I going to screw
next? and, Can I run fast enough to get away?"[1]
fine, in that quote Mr. Nugent was dissing the French, but in reality,
we are all like the deer to a point. The deer-like "all we care about"
kind of thinking can be beneficial, and it can be destructive. We are
individuals, but we have a responsibility to our society to participate
in it, and ensure that our system remains moral, just, and in the case
of the Constitutional Republic in the United States, a system that
remains under the rule of law
as provided by the United States Constitution. Unfortunately, most
people, it seems anymore, aren't very informed, and could care less
about anything outside their little bubble of existence. The 47%, as
Mitt Romney called them, and perhaps a much larger slice of our American
civilization than that, could care less about whether or not society is
functioning properly, just as long as they get what they think is
coming to
them. As my son once said to me, "What do I care? People will do what
they do, and government will do what it does. I have too many of my
own things to worry about to care about society, the culture, or

know this of us. They know that they can do pretty much anything they
want as long as you don't notice it affects you negatively in a big way.
If their actions don't adversely affect our lives in an obvious
manner, we won't do a single thing to stop them. This is why
progressivism has been injected into the American culture through
creeping incrementalism, and schemes of moderate social-engineering,
over the last hundred-plus years. The strategy has always been to
promise peace, and a safety-net provided by the government, but never to
make it appear
that what they are doing is liberty-killing socialism. They must
never, according to their strategy, deliver so much socialism that the
American people discovers the nature of their game, and removes them
from office.[2] The culture must be cultivated, and slowly taught that
the socialist reforms pose no danger to anyone in particular.
Opportunities to inject larger doses of statism are rare, but the best
time to inject statism in large quantities is during a time of crisis,
for when the peace and safety of society is at risk, increased
government intrusion will not only be welcomed, but will actually be
segment of the American political system, for example, has always
wanted to put into place stiffer gun control legislation, with the
eventual goal of the full confiscation of
firearms. The powers supporting anti-gun legislation schemed to create
a public demand for such legislation through the Fast and Furious
gun-walking tactic where guns were secretly put into the hands of the
Mexican drug cartels, and as expected innocent people were killed with
those guns.[3] The planners expected Americans to united in an uproar
against American guns being so easy to buy, giving the schemers the
opportunity to pursue their gun control goals. The strategy failed,
however, because word got out that it was a politically motivated
tactic. Besides, in the American Culture, gun ownership is a precious
right that the citizens recognize as also being a God-given fundamental
The gun control bureaucrats merely had to wait. Their opportunity to try again would happen,
because the eventuality of a crisis was inevitable.
Sandy Hook Elementary shooting in Connecticut supplied the anti-gun
lobby their crisis, and now the ruling elite's pursuit of gun control
legislation is in high gear.
Karl Marx was once quoted as saying, "The meaning of peace is the absence of opposition to socialism."[4]
the original goal was to simply convince the culture to accept
socialism without governmental coercion. Historic reality, thanks to
the human tendency to seek one's individual pursuits over
the communal well being of the collective, forced that strategy to be
short-lived, and the statists quickly realized that in order to put
their plans of a society that is a homogeneous mass of like-minded sheep
into action, they must abolish decentralization, remove representative
institutions, and all voluntary associations must be subjected to
government regulation and control in the name of "the good of the
community," or the "will of the people." The people must succumb to the
concept that only the ruling elite can interpret what is best for
society, and anyone that refuses to obey must be restrained by the body
politic.[5] It is for the best, the statists claim. Only a wise ruling
class that quells the "frightening path of psychotic individualism"[6]
can protect what is in the public interest.
Enter, stage left, the Boston Marathon Massacre, where
pressure cooker bombs were used to strike terror at the finish line of
the annual foot race.[7]
theories swarmed the Internet immediately after the horrific terrorist
attack in Boston, Massachusetts. There were those that immediately
called the bombing a "false flag operation."[8] The shadowy figures of
government, the ones that have been working to move this nation away
from the Constitution towards a system Karl Marx would be proud of,
according to a number of prominent voices in media, were pulling the
strings, orchestrating the terror, and were behind the massacre in
Boston like they were behind the 9/11 attacks in 2001. The evidence,
these people claimed, was apparent, and this was just another stage of
Cloward/Piven strategy being used to force America into a totalitarian
system never intended by the Founding Fathers.
proponents of big government want nothing more than to achieve what
conspiracy theorists like Alex Jones claim they are after. I would not
put it past the current administration to salivate over the possibility
of creating a national emergency that would enable them to place the
nation under martial law in the name of peace and safety. The
puppeteers, however, are no fools. They know better than to show their
hand. Besides, as they learned from Fast and Furious, they don't have
to launch an operation designed to deceive the public so that they can
reach their draconian aims. All they had to do was wait, and the
opportunity would come to them.
considers the United States the "Great Satan," regardless of who our
political leaders are. An attack by an organized Islamic group, or lone
wolf terrorists who are willing participants in the perceived jihad
against The West, was inevitable - and the planners in the shadows knew
false flag was needed. All the conspirators against the American
System needed was to lie in wait until an event like the one in Boston
came their way. Then, the wheels of the machine bolted into action.
amazed me how easily the
residents around Boston, during the manhunt for the Chechen brothers
suspected to be the terrorists behind the Boston Marathon bombing,
accepted lockdown and a house-to-house search.[9] Martial law comes
easy when a crisis is in gear. In fact, the residents cheered when they
saw law enforcement marching down the streets, in full armor, with
weapons drawn after one of the suspects was captured.[10] Fine, chalk
it up to a job well done, but would the residents around Boston be
cheering in the same way if the same armed force captured potential
domestic terrorists, as defined by The State? Would they be cheering
when the same shock-troops were roaming the streets to bring
enemies-of-the-state in? Would they cheer if the suspected terrorists
were military veterans, or TEA Party types, accused of daring to speak
out against the government's display of an ominous presence in our
all, the media, after the bombing of the Boston Marathon, were hoping
and praying that the perpetrators were "right-wing extremists."[11] And
even though the terrorists were not who the biased press assumed, the
seeds were planted. The uninformed public who think like deer, heard
that those conservative-types could have done this. The federal
government doesn't need a false flag. All they need is for just one
person calling himself "anti-government," or anything other than a
supporter of Barack Obama, to act in a manner that could be considered
terrorist-like, and the opportunity will be sprung.
goal of big government is to eliminate all opposition. Once those that
cry out
for limitations of government are made out to be dangerous to the
collective, the deer will cheer the capture of those "anti-government
radicals," and think they are doing so in the interest of the common
They may even chant "USA, USA" as the troopers haul the "activist" into custody.
The statists don't need a false flag, or a conspiracy. All they need is a crisis.
-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary
[1] Nugent on Deer's Final Thoughts - Snopes
[2] Epperson, A. Ralph, The Unseen Hand, Tuscon: Publius Press, 1985; page 47
[3] A Furious Revelation: FEDS sold guns to drug gangs - The Daily Reflector
[4] Karl Marx Quote: Meaning of Peace - ThinkExist
[5] Thomas J. DiLorenzo, Hamilton's Curse, New York: Three Rivers Press, 2008, page 22
[7] Boston Marathon bombs: pressure cooker evidence recovered - Guardian U.K.
[9] Lockdown, house-to-house manhunt near Boston - Reuters
[10] As manhunt ends, new questions emerge in Boston bombings - USA Today
[12] In Crisis, Opportunity for Barack Obama - Wall Street Journal
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