Thursday, March 17, 2005

Robbing Peter to pay Paul gets Paul's Support !

It has been said that as soon as people, living in a democracy, realize they can vote themselves money, their democracy is doomed. It has been the end of nearly all democracies to precede ours.

Here we stand, at a pivotal point in our history as a democratic republic, and we are faced with saving or allowing an entitlement program to die of neglect. The country is torn over this problem, as well it should be. This is a dangerous program. I refer of course to Social Security. It is currently headed toward oblivion. If something isn’t done to secure it for the generations ahead, it will not survive. Removing the $90,000 cap on taxable income, for social security, will not do it and allow the republic to remain a vibrant, growing, economy. The folks whose incomes are being looted will resent it and move their money, their companies, and most likely, themselves, off shore. I do not blame them. In fact, I would recommend it.

One of the earlier Popes once said that if you rob Peter to pay Paul, you can rely upon the support of Paul! What he did not say though, was that Peter, who had the money in the first place, will come up with a way to deny you access to that money. As well he should.

The democrats, completely devoid of any NEW ideas, are pushing the “rob Peter to pay Paul” approach again, to no ones’ surprise. Their socialist tendency is to redistribute the wealth and have everyone suffer equally. They have set the upper and lower classes at each other’s throats to achieve their ends. Like puppet masters they pull the strings. This time the strings are being pulled back.

The President is making a stand and is talking up his proposal for private accounts all across the country. Other than the future welfare of my kids, I have no dog in this hunt. But, as an American who wants to see his country continue to thrive and his children be secure in their future, I will support the Presidents efforts.

The Democrats are screaming bloody murder and complaining, as usual, that this is a risky scheme. Of course it is! Living is a risky scheme! They haven’t had an original, idea in nearly 50 years, now. Their entire platform is built on obstruction.

I have no idea, at this point, if the President’s plan will succeed, or not. I wish him well… as I wish our country well. At least the guy from Texas had the intestinal fortitude to face a problem directly… and attack it. He may lose, but his demonstration of "just plain guts" is refreshing and uplifting. There are still a few “real men” left in American politics.

Your Obedient Servant,


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