Friday, January 21, 2005

Southern Heritage groups failing in Heritage Preservation

Southern Heritage groups failing in Heritage Preservation

Our Southern Heritage groups are failing in their efforts to preserve our Southern Heritage. Battle-by-battle and case-by-case we are steadily losing ground to those who want to wipe the memory of the Confederate States of America from the history books and from the public view.

It is a sad thing to say but, we have not the fire in our breasts to stand and fight. We are allowing ourselves to be run over by the left wing revisionist and the Politically Correct crowd. The really sad thing is, we could do better. Individual members of various heritage groups have put up a valiant fight, but they, alone, are not strong enough. They need the backing, the assistance, the funding, and the legal expertise that only our national, and international, organizations can provide. So far it has not been forth coming, save in increments too little and too late… and, even when timely, it is not nearly strong enough to make a difference.

The most recent episode in our losing battle to preserve our heritage is at Elmwood Cemetery in Charlotte, NC. Those of us with some fire in our bellies have desperately tried to slow the attempt to remove the Confederate Battle Flag from the Confederate Monument in the Old Elmwood Cemetery. We have been, to put it bluntly, creamed. The flag is down… purportedly stolen, along with some 50 smaller flags, and then the halyard has been removed to prevent any southern sympathizers from replacing the flag. The Charlotte City Council has not yet made a ruling as to whether to remove the flag. But we know, in our hearts, privately, the decision has been made.

Where were our leaders in this fight? Where was their encouragement for the troops on the front lines in this fight? Where was the legal assistance? Where were the organized demonstrations? Most importantly… where was the leadership from the top? If it was there, I did not see, nor did I hear any of it.

This is extremely discouraging to the ranks of the Southern Heritage Preservation Movement.

Must we organize yet another Southern Heritage Preservation organization and this time fight, really fight, to defend our beloved South?

It appears we must. Confidence in the old established organizations is fading quickly. The weak attempt, at Gettysburg, was a deep disappointment to the rank and file members. Now, we have Charlotte, NC, preceded by the incident at Augusta. More are on the way.

In the old axiom of the fisherman: "It is time to fish, or cut bait".

Maybe we need to form a "stand alone" Political Action Committee (not affiliated with any Heritage Groups), and go after the politicians who are destroying our sacred Southern Heritage. If so, lets do it.

If we lose this battle, we have only ourselves to blame. We have had opportunity upon opportunity to organize and bring our considerable influence to bear… and we have not done it. We have become ineffective and we are simply not living up to the challenges given us by those who established the organizations to see that these desecrations of our Southern symbols did not happen. We’ve let them down.

I feel ashamed that, try as I might, I was unable to defend the good name of my Great-grandfather in these latest battles. I feel ashamed that the Southern Heritage Organization to which I belong did not demonstrate the fortitude to join the fight on the side of her members and in keeping with her mission.

A tremendous amount of introspection is called for... from the top down. If we are not going to live up to the “Charge” and to our mission, then… of what use are we.

Something to think about.

Your Obedient Servant,


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