Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Democrat Party is still complaining.

Democrat Party is still complaining.

The Democrats continue to complain that Bush won’t announce the “exit strategy” for US forces getting out of Iraq. They overlook the obvious exit strategy: victory! Plain and simple. Of course, that is every nation’s strategy. However, if the Democrats had their way, our exit strategy would be retreat, cutting and running… slinking from the battlefield like a whipped dog with it’s tail tucked between it’s legs.

Those limp-wristed, testosterone challenged, old hacks, like Kennedy (Who, after all, has proven the depth of his courage) and Kerry (He, too, proved his courage…after he was back in the States.) would have us walk away from the mess in Iraq. Their dream is to make America look weak in the eyes of the world.

The far left wing is in charge of the National Democrat Party. The Kennedy’s, the Kerry’s, the Boxers, the Pelosis, the Reeds, the Deans, the Carters, the Clintons, ad nauseum. Free Americans everywhere thank God that FDR and Truman were the Democrats in charge during the Second World War. Had the crowd, wearing the Democrat label today, been in charge, the eastern half of this nation would be speaking German and the western half would be speaking Japanese. The lack of courage of the Democratic leadership today is absolutely breath taking. Had they been in power at the time of Pearl Harbor, they would have been apologizing to the Japanese for whatever it was that caused the Japanese to bomb us.

We must thank God that this crowd of Democrats didn’t win last November. Had they won, we’d be teaching our children to “duck and cover” again in school. The Islamists would be running rampant in New York and Washington. Our cities would resemble Fallujah.

It’s no wonder that Democrats are out of power. It’s no wonder they have secured the halls of Congress and the Whitehouse, for at least a generation, for the Conservatives. Yet, they can’t see their error. Their arrogance has blinded their eyes to their own folly.

Look, Americans, for the most part, are Conservative. No matter the political party affiliation, the vast majority of voters, in this country, are Conservative. A liberal party cannot continue to show disdain for the voters of America and expect them to go to the polls and vote for them. The philosophy of the Democrat Party is all but dead.

The voters are better informed today than at any time in the history of this country. The Democrats are woefully behind the times. Conservatives spent their time in the “political wilderness” learning how to get their message out to the people of the country. They couldn’t use the printed press for the Democrats solidly controlled it. So, they turned to the broadcast media and now... the Internet. The political bosses can no longer operate in the shadows, and behind the scenes, and not have their actions become known to the nation, indeed, to the world. Conservatives used these tools to open up those closed, smoke-filled, rooms to the public and the public does not like what it saw and, is seeing.

The Democrat Party is still alive in those states where arrogance is a hallmark. The “blue” states. The Southern states began leaving the Democrat Party in the 1960’s. The South had historically, and traditionally, been affiliated with the Democrat Party since the Civil War. No longer. The South had been taken for granted and they would not stand for that. A slow mass exodus, from the Democrat Party, began in the ‘60’s and is nearly complete now. A Presidential Candidate cannot be elected without the Southern States.

To put the cork in the bottle, the DNC is about to elect Howard Dean to lead them. Dean is the answer to the Conservative’s prayer. Next to Hillary Clinton, he’s the best man we conservatives have working for us!

‘ Way to go, DNC! Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!

Your Obedient Servant,


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