Friday, August 31, 2007

New Orleans Should Have Been Abandoned After Katrina!

The first rule of “hole digging” is: when you find yourself in one… stop digging!

In New Orleans, not only are we still digging, but we are digging faster, and deeper, and with the money of the American taxpayer!

Let’s look reality in the face, shall we? New Orleans will NEVER be saved! The city is doomed! The American taxpayer can pour the nation’s entire treasury into that sump hole and it will never be enough!

Even the Native Americans would not build their villages and camps on the ground upon which much of the city of New Orleans sits today. Why? Because it is sinking! It has been sinking, for only God knows how long. They city has been doomed even before the corner stone of the first building was laid.

Location is only ONE of the problems with rescuing New Orleans. The overriding problem… and the one, which ensures the city’s eventual demised is… the people… not just the people… but also the attitude of the people.

New Orleans is as close to a third world country as you are likely to find within the borders of the United States. As long as the citizens of the US continue to flood that wasteland with money, it will suck up every dime and demand more… much as they are doing now. A century from now, New Orleans will still be sucking from the Federal Teat and complaining that not enough taxpayer largesse is coming their way.

Now… here is the almost unbelievable situation as it really is: No matter how much money, no matter how many man-hours of labor, are poured into that swamp… none of it matters. New Orleans is on track to be struck again… and flooded again … with the same results as Katrina, only… at the cost of even more taxpayer money! It is not a question of IF it will be hit by another hurricane, it is a matter of WHEN. It could be this 2007 hurricane season, or next, or the next… but it will be destroyed… again.

And another thing, if you have deluded yourself into believing that those folks who would not leave, who would not get out of the path of Katrina, will surely leave and get out of the path of the next storm, I have to tell you… you are sadly mistaken. What we all saw when Katrina struck, and the citizenry of New Orleans did so little to protect themselves, their families and their property, is the result of generations of people depending on the Federal Government for their livelihood, for the food on their tables, and for their safety. That kind of dependency breeds “helplessness” to fend for oneself, or one’s family, and we all saw where that leads when disaster strikes. A poor, bewildered, huddled mass of “helpless” people pleading for help, unable to help themselves because they don’t know how! They’ve never HAD to fend for themselves, they have never HAD to take responsibility for themselves… and suddenly, ALL THAT is required of them… and they cannot respond.

Essentially what has happened is…. New Orleans has been adopted as a ward of the Federal Government… FOREVER! My grandkids will STILL be paying for the upkeep of New Orleans long after I am dead and gone!

Soon after Katrina, I suggested that the city be abandoned and a NEW New Orleans built on higher ground. Oh, but you say, that will destroy the ambience of New Orleans. Yes, it will. But, I have to tell you… I ain’t big on ambience when I’m paying for it with my taxpayer dollars!

Seems to me we have two viable options in dealing with New Orleans: One raze the city, bull doze it, and rebuild on higher ground, … or… two: give it back to France, along with a few hundred billion US dollars to boot. The latter would be less expensive for the taxpayers of the US than continuing to pour money into a completely hopeless, helpless, city. Rebuilding the nation of Iraq will turn out to be less expensive. At some point we will abandon Iraq. Unless we can convince France to take New Orleans back, we’re stuck with it!

It is not only an all too expensive project; it is not only a fool’s errand, it is embarrassing, as well.


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Hoax of Man-Made Global Warming Falling Apart!

The constant nagging of the Man-Made Global Warming crowd has brought them something they do not want and cannot survive. That is close scrutiny!

Now that they have forced us to actually look at their claims of Man-Made Global Warming, more and more scientists are bailing out on them. We learn, almost every week, of world renown scientists who want nothing to do with the “pop-science” of Man-Made Global Warming.

Now comes word that less than half of the world’s published scientists actually believe in Man-Made Global Warming. For the details go here
:( You'll need to copy this web address and paste it into your browser.)

Those of us warning of this hoax have been shouted down by the "Chicken Littles" of the world. But, now our voices are being heard and we are beginning to bring some sanity back to the study of the earth’s climate. It’s way past time!

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Thursday, August 30, 2007

The Struggle for the Soul of the Democrat Party! by: Alan Caruba

The Struggle for the Soul of the Democrat Party
By Alan Caruba


What happens when neither political party has a really new idea about what is happening in the nation and the world? You get election results so nearly tied that a few hundred votes decide who won or lost. It is, if you think about it, fairly astounding that the voters are so equally divided between Democrats and Republicans.

You notice, I said “the voters”, not the people who simply identify themselves as members or sympathetic to one party or the other. One of the Republican Party’s greatest problems right now is that it has drifted so far away from what its base believes and wants, many are prepared to stay home, short of candidates that offer them a compelling reason to show up at the polls.

The Democrats are faced with another problem. Its platform is essentially the one that won four terms for Franklin Delano Roosevelt in the 30s and 40s. Responding to the Depression, FDR tapped every bright lad he could to come up with something—anything—that might turn the economy around. In the end, it was World War II that energized the nation and started the U.S. on its superpower trajectory. It was helpful, too, that the homeland, other than Pearl Harbor, had not suffered the destruction that occurred in Europe or Japan.

So Americans ever since have had Social Security, Medicare, and a host of other “entitlement” programs. The problem for recent administrations is that these programs are either broke or soon will be. When the GOP added a hugely costly prescription drug entitlement they were acting more like Democrats, but by then the way Congress functioned there were few members who could be clearly identified by party affiliation.

All were drunk on “earmarks” funneling millions back to their districts. The notion that local communities should run their schools is foreign to them. All seemed indifferent to protecting national sovereignty, securing the borders, or the invasion of a million aliens every year.

The only thing with which one could definitively identify Republicans was their support for the war in Iraq. It was, of course, the single issue that turned control of Congress—just barely—to the Democrats in the 2006 elections and it is the one issue that will determine the outcome of the 2008 elections. The only issue Democrats have is their hatred of President Bush and their opposition to conservatives who have a visceral contempt for abortion, gay marriage, and thuggish foreign leaders.

In the 2008 campaign Democrats will offer national health care, but that notion has been trotted out for a very long time and most people are vaguely aware of what a disaster it has proven to be in England and Canada, to name just two places. Michael Moore’s documentary, a celebration of Cuban health care, managed to overlook the many shortages of everything needed to practice medicine there.

Most books about politics are, by definition, partisan but a rare exception is Matt Bai’s “The Argument: Billionaires, Bloggers, and the Battle to Remake Democratic Politics.” He is such a skilled journalist, a political writer for The New York Times magazine, that he humanizes the individuals who are now locked in a struggle to control the Democrat Party.

The result is, frankly, a hilarious portrait of a party where obscenely rich people think their money can make a difference and buy them real influence, while nobodies with little more than bad attitudes and Internet sites like “The Daily Kos” have become movers and shakers to whom candidates must pay heed. Sandwiched between these groups are the party apparatchiks; those who must raise funds, the political consultants, the pollsters, and the think tank folks, all of whom are desperately trying to fashion a winning campaign.

About the only thing the members of both parties agree upon is that the members of the opposing party are just too dumb to understand the issues!

Neither party lacks for really dumb people and this includes those who have risen to the top. At one point, prior to the 2005-6 campaign, casting about for a new motto, Rep. Nancy Pelosi suggested that Democrats call themselves “the people’s party.” Bai notes that, “This slogan was quickly and wisely rejected, as it sounded like a communiqué from the party headquarters in Pyongyang.”

In the end, the Democrats concluded that policy ideas, leadership issues, and the usual rhetoric of campaigning weren’t needed, given the collapse of support for and by Republicans. Why “offer an actual agenda and risk the possibility that some voters might not like it?”

One of the real issues is the war against the Islamofascists and, whether a Democrat or Republican is elected, they will be part of a continuum of presidents who have either tried to ignore them as did Clinton or put troops in the field to kill them as Bush did. It doesn’t matter in the short run what people think about the current state of the war—except for the way it influences elections—because it is a war that was declared against us and which we must pursue until victory whether we want to or not.

Aside from a lack of any ideas other than those inherited from FDR and LBJ, the Democrats will continue to suffer from the general perception of cowardliness in the face of an enemy and endless bleating about the poor and disadvantaged. They tend to ignore the way America has grown famous and wealthy from people who worked hard, took risks, and moved up the economic ladder. The other factor working against them is the way the population has leaned to the right ever since the days of Reagan and Goldwater.

Bush will not be a factor in the 2008 elections except as a person on whom Democrats can fix (and waste) their hatred. But he is not running for office. Without a compelling reason to vote for a Democrat candidate, voters may decide to stay with the party that—flawed as it may be at this point—still believes in lower taxes, a strong military, and the magic elixir of freedom, opportunity.

Alan Caruba writes a weekly column, “Warning Signs”, posted on the Internet site of The National Anxiety Center, His latest book, “Right Answers: Separating Fact from Fantasy”, is published by Merril Press.

© Alan Caruba, August 2007

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Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Unpatriotic, Un-American Hollywood.

Unpatriotic, Un-American Hollywood.

Back in the days when Americans had a sense of shame, Hollywood, a part of the political left in America, had the common decency to refrain from attacking the US military, and America, while the country was at war. It just wasn’t done! Why? Because people who love their country don’t do that sort of thing. It’s called “patriotism”. For those of you on the left… you can find the definition of patriotism in any dictionary. But, then, if you have to look it up… what does that say about you?

Now comes word that Hollywood is churning out a number of anti-war, anti US military, anti conservative, and anti Bush Administration films… just in time for the ’08 election cycle. Will wonders never cease??? Who would have thought that Hollywood had so little class? The answer: Just about anyone who has seen Hollywood’s products of the past 20 years, or so.

Well, Conservatives are fed-up with Hollywood’s self-appointed expertise in diplomacy, and in politics in general. Their slobbering after the Clinton Administration was the beginning of their fall. Their rabid attacks of the current administration has underscored their vacuous, brainless, emotion-based hate of anything even approaching Conservative. Their hedonism is held up to the light for all to see, and they attack the light because the truth of who, and what, they are, nearly destroys them. They live in a close-knit environment of fellow leftists and they have come to believe that their view is the view of all Americans. How wrong they are! Yet, their limited intelligence shields them from the truth of their foolish image as seen by sane, intelligent, people. They make spectacles of themselves revolting to Americans who believe in their God, their families, and their country.

So, what motivates them? Fear motivates them. Fear that their Godless existence will tarnish their carefully molded personas and mark them with the “Mark of the Beast”.

No single community in America has done more to destroy this nation than Hollywood. None. Their efforts have lowered the morals of America’s youth to the lowest common denominator… and then lowered it some more.

No longer does the public believe they create movies for the sake of the art of entertainment. Now we know they create movies as propaganda, as “How To” instruction for all sorts of crime and debauchery.

Their utter disregard for morality is disgusting. When we think they have sunk as low as it is possible for one to sink, they sink even lower.

And now… they want to dictate, to average Americans, how their government should conduct the people’s business. They call into question the veracity of a President, and a government, duly elected by the people of the US, and undermine the war efforts of this country by propping up dictators and publicly slandering the US while visiting other countries abroad. They slander their own country while bowing at the feet of some of the world’s worst dictators.

While many of the top tier actors, and actresses, haven’t even a high school diploma, they know they are smarter than you and I because they can ACT AS IF THEY ARE. They have come to believe their own press releases!

Their disgusting, degrading, products have polluted the minds of our youth long enough. But they are not finished. Oh, no!

Now they are going after their own country, with renewed vigor, in a reinvigorated effort to exchange our democratic government for a socialist regime. The vast propaganda machine of the left is churning out the anti-American propaganda, which is coming to a screen near you very soon. Watch for it! And avoid it like the plague!

© Commentary by Longstreet copyrighted, August 2007
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Tuesday, August 28, 2007

US Attorney General Alberto Gonzales Resigns! (Yawn!)

US Attorney General Alberto Gonzales Resigns! (Yawn!)


You may have noticed there is very little rhetoric coming from my side of the political spectrum in defense of Attorney General Alberto Gonzales. You shouldn’t be surprised. Gonzalez is a nice guy, but he was not our choice for Attorney General.

Most of us, on the right side of the political spectrum, thought then... and still do... that Gonzales was not strong enough for the job. We felt he was certainly not conservative enough! Turns out we were right… again!

Now, don’t misunderstand: We did not like what the democrat Congress did to Gonzales. And... it will be a cold day in hell before we forget it! Eventually the tables will turn and the democrats will pay a dear price for railroading Gonzales. (That is EXACTLY how we see it. The dems "railroaded" Gonzalas!) I am convinced the dems went looking for the weakest member in the Bush cabinet... and set out to destroy him. Gonzales was that weak link. And, like the bullies they are, the dems went after him with every thing in their arsenal and, of course, Gonzales folded like a tent.

So, Mr. Gonzales is gone... and the dems are preening before their beloved Mainstream Media cameras and microphones.

But, hold on!!! The door is now open for a real conservative to serve as Attorney General for the duration of the Bush term. I hope Bush will not be so dumb as to submit a nominee to the Senate for confirmation as the new Attorney General. Oh, NO! Just appoint an ACTING Attorney General, and… get one as conservative as it is possible to beand rub the dems noses in their own mess for the next 17 months.

Sometimes things DO work out!


© Commentary by Longstreet copyrighted, August 2007

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Monday, August 27, 2007

GOP Shuts Down US House.

GOP Shuts Down US House.

On the evening of Thursday August 2nd, 2007 GOP Congresspersons walked off the floor of the US house and effectively shut it down for the evening.

It was the smartest move I have seen the Republicans make on Capitol Hill for a while now.

If only we could get the GOP Senators to do the same….

The only time the country is truly safe is when the National Legislature is shut down! I fear the Democrats in Congress far more than I fear al Qaeda!

What Americans see in Congress now, is the best example I can think of to exemplify the reason so many of us wanted “Term Limits”. It is also the reason so many of THEM did not!

Now, we Conservatives and Liberals fuss, and argue, with each other on a continuous basis. That’s what we do. It is healthy for our country. Both of us have a set of core beliefs and we believe, deep down at our core, that we are right. I see nothing wrong with that. But now, as we argue with each other, I have noticed, of late, that both sides seem to share a certain shame over the conduct of those elected to Congress to represent them, respectively in the national legislature. I have tell you… we DO have some real “lulus” in Congress!

Take a look at the crowd in Congress: We have a group which needs to be in prison. We have a group which needs to be back home, and we have a group which needs to be in a nursing home somewhere!

I sometimes think we need to set up a mandatory school for all new Congresspersons and Senators… to teach them The Constitution. I mean the REAL one! The one our forefathers wrote. The one Lincoln trashed and began our long descent into dictatorial power for the President and the Congress with the institution of the all-powerful federal government. . I mean the Constitution, which was written… not to protect the government… but to protect the citizens of the several states AGAINST the government… by curtailing the power of that government.

But, you see, we have an electorate so “dumb”, so uneducated about their own country, about their own form of government, about the Founding Fathers, about the way government is supposed to work in this country, as dictated by the original constitution, that the power-happy mad men, and mad women, in the Congress can get away with, durn near anything… by simply SAYING it is constitutional. Who is going to challenge them? Huh? You? Me? Who, exactly, will stand up and say: “Enough! We demand a return to Constitutional Government in this country”!

It ain’t gonna happen!


Because the last time that was tried there was a bloody war in this country which lasted four years and claimed the lives of 660,000 Americans and we STILL lost to those who hi-jacked constitutional government in the United States.

So, yes, I am happy when there is gridlock in the US Congress! I am happier still when Congress is shut down. As a conservative, I do not believe Congress is only doing its job when it is passing laws into existence. The more laws… the more governance. The more governance, the easier it becomes for the governed to become subjugated to the governors. That is the unhappy situation we, as a country, find ourselves in today.

How did we get here? Ignorance. Why do we allow ourselves to be held in bondage to the dictatorial power of the government… a government never intended by the founders of this country? Ignorance. The most intriguing question of all, however, is… how did we become so ignorant of the basic foundation of this country… the basis of our freedom, the US Constitution?

There is an easy answer: A National Education System in league with a political movement in this country which has, as it’s goal, separating the people from democracy and enslaving them with socialism. It is a goal easily accomplished, once you confuse a people and remove them from their heritage. For the bulk of Americans, that has already been done. But… for that remnant of people, mostly in the southern states, who stubbornly hold on to their heritage, hold on to the original idea of the Constitution, it is an everyday battle just to maintain their identity. They still know who they are. And they are the flies in the ointment for those whose goal it is to de-construct the America of greatness and recreate, in it’s stead, a country of mediocrity such as the modern European nations.

Oh, Longstreet, you’re overreacting to all this!

Am I? Really?

Even now our own government is in negotiations with two other countries on this continent to merge the three countries into one. Mexico, the US and Canada will become the “North American Union”… if they have their way. THEN… whose constitution will hold sway over America? Like the European Union, will they try to impose a Constitution of the North American Union? You bet they will! That plan was stalled by France, and a couple other European nations, but is only simmering on the back burner ready to be brought forth again in the future. You can count on it.

Little by little, and bit by bit, we are losing our country, America. Much of modern America is already irretrievably lost. Sad to say, many Americans are guilty of aiding and abetting those who would relegate America to the dust heap of history.

Here in the suburban, the rural, South… our ancestors warned of this as far back as the 1820’s. It led to the bloodiest war in American history and those Southern prophets were silenced by force of arms at the point of the bayonet. Today, their modern day descendants are sorrowfully declaring to the remainder of America: “we told you so!”

There is no doubt that the repository for originalist constitutional knowledge lies in the Southern States of America. It is also the last, great, hope for a doomed nation. It is ironic that that portion of America, which so threatened the elitist Americans that they went to war to silence them, may yet be the savior of that self same group of effete, elitists who have guided America into the ignorance of her heritage which has brought her to the doorstep of ignominy.

After humiliating the South for nearly 150 years, to ask the South to save America now, is asking a lot… maybe, too much. Frankly, I am not sure the people of the South would feel inclined to do so. Such a thing must be asked of those with pure hearts and clean hands… and few survive. In the on-going battle to preserve our identity, and our heritage, the grime of battle sullies most Southerners, even today. It is a difficult thing to save those who would subjugate you, especially when your own freedom may be sacrificed by that very act.

In the immortal words of Omar Khayyam: “The moving finger writes; and having writ moves on. Nor all your piety, nor wit, shall lure it back to cancel half a line, nor all your tears wash out a word of it.”


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Sunday, August 26, 2007

Another Clinton Presidency? God Forbid!!!

(This Article First Ran in April of 2006)
Another Clinton Presidency? God Forbid!!!

“The Conservative Voice” has an article by Nathan Tabor, a political activist from here, in North Carolina, which raises many of the concerns Americans should have over the return of the Clintons to the Executive Mansion and the Office of President of the US.

Read the “spot on” article at:

I sincerely hope American learned their lesson as a result of the first Clinton debacle. Unfortunately, many did not.

If the Clintons DO manage to win, or in some other way regain, the White House… watch for the sale of hand guns, and long guns, to skyrocket, ammunition sales to skyrocket, and Militia Units to spring up all across the nation, just as they did during the first Clinton blot on history known as the Clinton Administration.

Conservatives (and America is far and away Conservative) do not trust those people and we already know our national security will be at risk as well as the security of our families.

The low morals they displayed, for the world to see, in the nineties shocked many Americans. They had read of such things but never expected to live to experience them, especially in a leader of the free world. Their lack of concern for anything other than their legacy, their image, and the satisfaction of their own carnal desire for money, fame, and sexual pleasure, was staggering. And Americans will be asked to forget all that... as though it never happened.

I can think of no other husband and wife team quite like them… save for Juan and Evita Peron of Argentina.

Some hard decisions are going to have to be made between now and November of ’08. Conservatives need to be prepared for the fight of our lives. Frankly, I don’t see the leader the Conservatives will need to lead this fight... YET!

Pray God, he provides us with one in time for the battle for America.


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Saturday, August 25, 2007

Tale of Two Houses

A Tale of Two Houses

Here's some interesting information.

(You can check this out on Snopes .com under "The Story of Two Houses")

House #1:

A 20 room mansion ( not including 8 bathrooms ) heated by natural gas. Add on a pool ( and a pool house) and a separate guest house, all heated by gas. In one month this residence consumes more energy than the average American household does in a year. The average bill for electricity and natural gas runs over $2400. In natural gas alone, this property consumes more than 20 times the national average for an American home. This house is not situated in a Northern or Midwestern "snow belt" area. It's in the South.

House #2:

Designed by an architecture professor at a leading national university. This house incorporates every "green" feature current home construction can provide. The house is 4,000 square feet ( 4 bedrooms ) and is nestled on a high prairie in the American southwest. A central closet in the house holds geothermal heat-pumps drawing ground water through pipes sunk 300 feet into the ground. The water (usually 67 degrees F. ) heats the house in the winter and cools it in the summer. The system uses no fossil fuels such as oil or natural gas and it consumes one-quarter electricity required for a conventional heating/cooling system. Rainwater from the roof is collected and funneled into a 25,000 gallon underground cistern. Wastewater from showers, sinks and toilets goes into underground purifying tanks and then into the cistern. The collected water then irrigates the land surrounding the house. Surrounding flowers and shrubs native to the area enable the property to blend into the surrounding rural landscape.

HOUSE #1 is outside of Nashville, Tennessee; it is the abode of the "environmentalist" Al Gore.

HOUSE #2 is on a ranch near Crawford, Texas; it is the residence the of the President of the United States, George W. Bush.

An "inconvenient truth"?

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Friday, August 24, 2007

Conservatives Are “Breeding” More Than Liberals!

Conservatives Are “Breeding” More Than Liberals!


There’s an interesting theory floating around in America. It has to do with liberal's love for illegal immigrants.

When I first heard this theory espoused, I pooh-poohed it. Then, I began to think about it... later.

Now, I’m not much for conspiracy theories so I had a problem getting my mind wrapped around this theory, but I must say it is certainly tempting.

It goes something like this: Liberal's numbers are dropping in the US. What with their support of abortion, and the gay lifestyle, liberals are not having babies at the rate required for them to remain a viable player in American politics. On the other hand, conservatives are still turning out babies at their normal rate and their numbers, as a result, are growing. It is obvious that left as things are, soon conservatives will actually far outnumber liberals, in the US, simply because we prorogate more!

OK… say all this is correct… as it certainly seems to be… what is the effect upon America today and tomorrow?

The effect is the creation of "another class of liberal people" in America. This class is to be created from people already born who come into this country illegally and have babies here which results in the “Anchor Baby” law kicking in.

You see, Liberals have to find the numbers, somewhere, to keep their power at the polls. As they are, frankly speaking, no longer breeding in numbers great enough to accomplish this, then they MUST bring those numbers up by bringing in people from neighboring countries to bolster their lagging electorate. That explains their support of illegal immigration!

As I said at the beginning of this piece, this is NOT MY THEORY. I have heard it from several sources now.

If you’d like to read it in depth, we recommend you go here:

Liberals are not alone in this rabid desire to inflate the electorate with illegals. Somehow, the Republican Party has deluded itself into believing that it can win the Hispanic vote. Maybe so… when hell freezes over!

Maybe this explains why we have only 17 miles of that nearly nine hundred mile long fence, Congress approved, actually built! They’re dragging their feet! That fence approval was meant to shut us up! I remain convinced it was never intended to actually be built!

The US Army has lots and lots of concertina wire and razor wire. If the Congress was serious about fencing off that border, they'd have the military roll out that razor wire for the remaining 883 miles UNTIL the permanent fence could be built!

Extreme? Well…YEAH! Look we’re on the receiving end of the largest land invasion in the history of mankind on this planet. Don’t you think it is past time to take measures, extreme or otherwise, to get control of our borders? Without borders there is no country. With no defense of those borders, there is no country!!


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Iraqi Terrorists Caught Making Illegal Entry Into the US Along US/Mexican Border!

Iraqi Terrorists Caught Making Illegal Entry into US Along US/Mexican Border!
Now comes word that dozens of Iraqi Terrorists have been infiltrating into the US from Mexico. Many have been caught… some have not! Now we finally have confirmation of something we have suspected for a very long time.

For the details on this story go here:

Seal the border, already!!!!


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Thursday, August 23, 2007

The Global Warming HOAX Beginning to Unravel!

The Global Warming HOAX Beginning to Unravel!

We have said for sometime now that Global Warming is quite likely the biggest hoax ever perpetrated on mankind. As a result we have been called every name in the book... many of which cannot be repeated here, as this is a family site.

The purveyors of this make believe disaster have finally overplayed their hand. They have caused so much embarrassment among the REAL scientists of the world that; finally, those REAL scientists are fighting back.

Report after report has been released, in recent days, refuting the claims of increasing global temperatures caused by man’s activities on this planet. Striking a blow for sanity they are causing a real commotion amongst the world’s Global Warming Crowd.

There is an excellent article over at World Net Daily we recommend you read. Follow up on the sites it offers for additional info and you will come away shaking your head, in awe, at how gullible mankind really is.

You’ll find the article at:

Now, we have the task of re-programming our children with the truth and erasing as much of the Global Warming gobble-de-gook installed in their small brains as a part of their indoctrination in the Government schools as we possibly can. If I had children of school age today I’d be instructing them to completely ignore what they are taught in America’s schools concerning the Global Warming Threat and I’d be teaching them how to spot a “con” and not be sucked in by the complete avalanche of “pro-hoax” material fed to them in school, on TV, in the movies, and even in their textbooks.

Those of us who have held out against the worldwide hoax will never be recognized as preserving the truth. We will simply be ignored because it will be entirely too embarrassing for the hordes of human beings who will have to admit they bought into the hoax ... lock, stock, and barrel!

Powerbrokers have played upon man’s weakness for hoaxes since the beginning of time. The old traveling “Medicine Shows” with a self appointed “Doctor”, selling a “tonic” to cure everything from hangnails to cancer is a very good analogy in explaining man’s near desire to be flim-flammed. Believe me, it would not be so easy to fool the human animal if the human animal did not have a deep seated desire to BE fooled!

Look, I spent many years in the advertising business. I KNOW, first hand, how easy it is to sell anything! And I do mean anything! If you can fake “earnestness”, you are already half way home. Then you simply create a "desire” for what you are selling. That is the easiest part of all. You play on man’s greed and man’s need to believe that his fate depends upon himself. To motivate him, you simply lead him to understand that something he loves, or simply wants, is being threatened, or MAY be threatened in the future. Then you have him! It’s a simply, fundamental process. The purveyors of the Global Warming Hoax have played it masterfully.
But... there is a problem with all hoaxes.

At some point the hoax will be put to the test. It is at this point that the hoax fails.

The hoaxster is rarely punished. Why? Because to punish a hoaxster one must first admit that he, or she, was taken in by the hoaxster. It is just too embarrassing. The hoaxsters count on this to get away.

The bigger the hoax… the better… and the easier they are to sell to the public. What could be bigger than the destruction of the earth? Huh?


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Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Congress is Destroying America’s Schools... by Alan Caruba

Congress is Destroying America’s Schools
By Alan Caruba


If you want to witness the most blatantly un-Constitutional and un-American laws at work than just take a walk through your local schools. They are currently under the control of the federal government.

Why any town or city bothers to hold an election for members of the local board of education is a mystery to me. Between the U.S. Department of Education and a union, the National Education Association—masquerading as just a group of concerned teachers—local boards have no real power to reverse the subjugation and destruction of the nation’s education system.

Since the Constitution does not even mention education, it is a continuing mystery why the federal government has a department devoted to it. Well, it’s less of a mystery if you consider that its purpose is to indoctrinate the children passing through it to accept a whole range of values and ideas that lots of Americans think are wrong.

From the Head Start program to the International Baccalaureate, the whole purpose of “education” today is to create new generations of Americans who think that the United Nations should govern the entire planet and who uncritically accept politically correct beliefs about gender issues, diversity, multiculturalism, and environmentalism. To insure this occurs, Congress and some States are ready to sign off on programs that would evaluate the mental stability of every child from pre-school on through graduation. That’s Big Brother!

Is Johnny or Daphne not “thinking correctly” about these issues? Do they have dangerous ideas of democracy, sovereignty, privacy, or—horrors—a religious belief that they picked up at home? That is what “education” means today in America. It’s the reason some school districts still try to ban the singing of Christmas carols every December. It’s the reason that “hate speech” codes are instituted to insure that only the most leftist, approved things are thought and spoken. Under the Constitution, even so-called hate speech is protected.

There is a reason why public confidence in the presidency and Congress is at an all-time low. It is the reason why thousands of Americans were forced to call, write, fax and email their elected representatives to insure the so-called immigration “reform” bill was defeated and I suggest they must do the same to put an end to the noxious “No Child Left Behind” legislation.

Congress is discussing the reauthorization of NCLB. As Rep. Scott Garrett (R-NJ) points out, “It centralized accountability in Washington with the bureaucrats and appointees at the U.S. Department of Education, completely bypassing the legislatures in fifty state capitals, countless township school boards and local officials, and—most importantly—administrators, educators, and parents all across the nation.”

Rep. Garrett’s bill, the LEARN Act (Local Education Authority Returns Now) would empower local and state governments to create and enforce public education. What a notion! What an astonishing idea! Oh, wait a minute. Up to NCLB, that’s where the power over education was always practiced or assumed to be. Common sense tells you that education must be the province of those closest to those intended to benefit most, the children in local schools.

What NCLB does is create a national standard that seeks the lowest common denominator for states to qualify for federal education funding. Perhaps that’s why, in some form or other, says Garrett, “all fifty states have taken some form of action, whether it is legislative or legal, against No Child Left Behind.”

Why then is Congress considering extending it? Perhaps it has something to do with the arrogance of the members of Congress who, until assailed for their determination to force a hated immigration bill on Americans, still haven’t concluded that our form of government takes its power from the will of the people and elected representatives are expected to act accordingly. They do not know better than us. There’s a reason they are called “representatives.”

No Child Left Behind is legislation conjured up by Sen. Teddy Kennedy and supported by President Bush. Since its enactment in 2001, the budget of the Department of Education ballooned to $23.5 billion. If NCLB is reauthorized, the budget in 2008 would grow to $24.4 billion, a 41% increase in just seven years!

Currently, the teaching of mathematics, history, geography, and other essential areas of learning are pathetically inadequate, deeply distorted, or totally ignored. The enthusiasm and creativity that new teachers bring to the classroom is crushed. The growth of all manner of administrative staff to cope with federal paperwork expands. And homework increases to make up for the inability to teach the fundamentals during the school day, thus shifting the burden to parents.

Little wonder that some parents elect to home school their children or, if they can afford it, send them to private schools that, despite operating on smaller budgets and lower salaries, still manage to provide a superior quality of education.

Remember, the federal government has no constitutional authority over education policy! That policy should be set, at the local level by the parents and grandparents of children in whom we have invested our hopes for the future of America.

It’s time to man the barricades and to fire up the fax machines and email. Tell your Senator and your Representative to vote against No Child Left Behind before it does any further damage to a new generation of Americans.

Alan Caruba writes a weekly column, “Warning Signs”, posted on the website of The National Anxiety Center, His book, “Right Answers: Separating Fact from Fantasy”, is published by Merril Press.

© Alan Caruba, August 2007

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Kansas Court of Appeals Says Being in US Illegally… Isn’t Illegal? What???

Kansas Court of Appeals Says Being in US Illegally… Isn’t Illegal? What???


Check this story out at:

Is it possible for our legal system to get any more screwed-up than this???


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Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Bush Ducks Question on North American Union!

US President Bush Does Not Deny Planning for North American Union Underway!

In Montebello, Quebec, today, when President Bush was given a chance, by a Fox News reporter, to put to rest rumors of the creation of a North American Union, he ducked the question.

For details visit "World Net Daily" here:
Sure makes me feel better about it! How about you???
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Fred Thompson Shakes Things Up

Fred Thompson Shakes Things Up!

Fred D. Thompson has a lot of politicos nervous. The non-candidate is NOT going away. He is the looming specter over the GOP’s field of presidential candidates and an even bigger cloud over the Democrats field.

It is an open secret that GOP contributors are holding their dollars, not contributing to the announced field of candidates. What is NOT a secret is the fact that the base of the GOP is not happy, not happy at all; with the field of candidates the GOP is offering us. The one candidate, still unannounced, who can get the juices flowing, is Fred Thompson. The GOP is NOT happy with their base’s choice of candidates. And they are worried, deeply worried, because the conservative base they tend to discount so quickly, can turn the tables on the entire party in a matter of hours. Remember the defeat of the Amnesty Bill in the US Senate? That was a grass roots movement of the conservative base. It brought that bill down in flames.

The other worry knowing at the edges of the GOP’s consciousness is that Fred Thompson is not likely to be their USUAL GOP candidate. He has a mind of his own and is not likely to tread the party line just to please anyone.

If there were any doubt that Thompson’s entry into the race would stir things up, one need only to read David Broder’s recent column, “Fred Thompson’s Gamble”. You’ll find it here:

So, the “country club, blue blood, Republicans” have a real problem on their hands. Two problems, actually. One is the problem with their base… the conservatives, who are ready to mutiny… and the other is Fred Thompson who has been chosen, by those same conservatives, as their leader within the GOP.

Perhaps the biggest problem of all, for the GOP, is the fact that they have reached a point in the party’s evolution at which they must change. To remain static is to go the way of the Whigs. In other words, cease to exist. Without the conservative base, the GOP is a “has been” party. If the conservative base does not bolt and form it’s own conservative party, then it is demanding that it become the driving, and ruling, force within the Republican Party. This is terrifying to the moderates and liberals within the GOP.

Once Thompson announces the dynamics of the ‘08 election will change. Current GOP candidate numbers will begin shifting to Thompson. The money will re-appear. In the democrat’s camp, Mrs. Clinton will begin the search for a southern male as a running mate for the office of Vice-president. No Democrat has won the office of President without a southern male on the ticket since the mid 1940’s.

In the end, it may turn out that all the finagling with moving primaries up as early as possible may backfire on the democrats. Conservatives have been quietly sitting out all the hoopla and fanfare… just waiting. Soon now, the waiting will end.


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Monday, August 20, 2007

The Originalist US

The Originalist US


On the evening of Thursday August 2nd, 2007 GOP Congressman walked off the floor of the US house and effectively shut it down for the evening.

It was the smartest move I have seen the Republicans make on Capitol Hill for a while now.

If only we could get the GOP Senators to do the same….

The only time the country is truly safe is when the National Legislature is shut down! I fear the Democrats in Congress far more than I fear al Qaeda!

What Americans see in Congress now, is the best example I can think of to exemplify the reason so many of us wanted “Term Limits”. It is also the reason so many of THEM did not!

Now, we Conservatives and Liberals fuss, and argue, with each other on a continuous basis. That’s what we do. It is healthy for our country. Both of us have a set of core beliefs and we believe, deep down at our core, that we are right. I see nothing wrong with that. But now, as we argue with each other, I have noticed, of late, that both sides seem to share a certain shame over the conduct of those elected to Congress to represent them, respectively in the national legislature. I gotta tell you… we DO have some real “lulus” in Congress!

Take a look at the crowd in Congress: We have a group who need to be in prison. We have a group who need to be back home, and we have a group who need to be in a nursing home somewhere!

I sometimes think we need to set up a mandatory school for all new Congresspersons and Senators to teach them The Constitution. I mean the REAL one! The one our forefathers wrote. The one Lincoln trashed and began our long descent into dictatorial power for the President and the Congress with the institution of the all-powerful federal government. . I mean the Constitution, which was written… not to protect the government… but to protect the citizens of the several states AGAINST the government… by curtailing the power of that government.

But, you see, we have an electorate so “dumb”, so uneducated about their own country, about their own form of government, about the Founding Fathers, about the way government is supposed to work in this country, as dictated by the original constitution, that the power happy mad men, and mad women, in the Congress can get away with, durn near, anything by simply SAYING it is constitutional. Who is going to challenge them? Huh? You? Me? Who, exactly, will stand up and say: “Enough! We demand a return to Constitutional Government in this country”!

It ain’t gonna happen!


Because the last time that was tried there was a bloody war in this country which lasted four years and claimed the lives of 660,000 Americans and we STILL lost to those who hi-jacked constitutional government in the United States.

So, yes, I am happy when there is gridlock in the US Congress! I am happier still when Congress is shut down. As a conservative, I do not believe Congress is only doing its job when it is passing laws into existence. The more laws… the more governance. The more governance, the easier it becomes for the governed to become subjugated to the governors. That is the unhappy situation we, as a country, find ourselves in today.

How did we get here? Ignorance. Why do we allow ourselves to be held in bondage to the dictatorial power of the government… a government never intended by the founders of this country? Ignorance. The most intriguing question of all, however, is… how did we become so ignorant of the basic foundation of this country… the basis of our freedom, the US Constitution?

There is an easy answer: A National Education System in league with a political movement in this country which has, as it’s goal, separating the people from democracy and enslaving them with socialism. It is a goal easily accomplished, once you confuse a people and remove them from their heritage. For the bulk of Americans, that has already been done. But… for that remnant of people, mostly in the southern states, who stubbornly hold on to their heritage, hold on to the original idea of the Constitution, it is an everyday battle just to maintain their identity. They still know who they are. And they are the flies in the ointment for those whose goal it is to de-construct the America of greatness and recreate, in it’s stead, a country of mediocrity such as the modern European nations.

Oh, Longstreet, you’re overreacting to all this!

Am I? Really?

Even now our own government is in negotiations with two other countries on this continent to merge the three countries into one. Mexico, the US and Canada will become the “North American Union”… if they have their way. THEN… whose constitution will hold sway over America? Like the European Union, will they try to impose a Constitution of the North American Union? You bet they will! That European Union Constitution plan was stalled by France, and a couple other European nations, but is only simmering on the back burner ready to be brought forth again in the future. You can count on it.

Little by little, and bit by bit, we are losing our country, America. Much of modern America is already irretrievably lost. Sad to say, many Americans are guilty of aiding and abetting those who would relegate America to the dust heap of history.

Here in the suburban, the rural, South, our ancestors warned of this as far back as the 1820’s. It led to the bloodiest war in American history and those Southern prophets were silenced by force of arms at the point of the bayonet. Today, their modern day descendants are sorrowfully declaring to the remainder of America: “We told you so!”

There is no doubt that the repository for originalist constitutional knowledge lies in the Southern States of America. It is also the last, great, hope for a doomed nation. It is ironic that that portion of America, which so threatened the elitist Americans that they went to war to silence them, may yet be the savior of that self same group of effete, elitists who have guided America into the ignorance of her heritage which has brought her to the doorstep of ignominy.

After humiliating the South for nearly 150 years, to ask the South to save America now, is asking a lot… maybe, too much. Frankly, I am not sure the people of the South would feel inclined to do so. Such a thing must be asked of those with pure hearts and clean hands… and few survive. In the on-going battle to preserve our identity, and our heritage, the grime of battle sullies most Southerners, even today. It is a difficult thing to save those who would subjugate you, especially when your own freedom may be sacrificed by that very act.

In the immortal words of Omar Khayyam: “The moving finger writes; and having writ moves on. Nor all your piety, nor wit, shall lure it back to cancel half a line, nor all your tears wash out a word of it.”


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Sunday, August 19, 2007

Appeasement, Retreat, Surrender, and Continued War!

(This article first ran in December of 2006!)


Appeasement, Retreat, Surrender, and Continued War!


One of my all time favorite politicians was Sir Winston Churchill. The whiskey drinking, cigar puffing, old codger had a scalpel sharp mind, and a tongue which was equally as sharp, and he used both to pin his political foes to the wall on many, many occasions.

As I look about me today, the current history of the world is mirroring that of 1938 and 1939. The bad guys are crowding ever closer to the borders of the free world and we all know, way down in our souls, where we live, that they mean us nothing but death and destruction. Yet like our predecessors of the 1930’s we have managed to don those rose colored glasses and, when that doesn’t work, we have taught ourselves to turn a blind eye to those who have every intention of killing us and our families. We have deluded ourselves into believing that we are not at war for our lives and that they enemy is not as bad as he appears and we just KNIOW we can do business with him!

Like our predecessors, of the 1930’s, we are living a lie…a lie that will ultimately cost the lives of millions of people in the United States and additional millions around the globe.

Our British cousins thought they could talk to Hitler and charm him into letting them alone. So they sent their “best and brightest” to persuade Mr. Hitler. I will never forget Neville Chamberlain stepping from the aeroplane, at the aerodrome, and waving a white piece of paper and making the pronouncement of: “Peace in our time”!

One man saw Hitler for what he was. One man had the courage to speak out against the appeasement of Hitler. Sir Winston Churchill. Of the Chamberlain delusion he said: “He was given a choice between war and dishonor. He chose dishonor… and he will have war anyway”!

Well, the report of the ISG was just released. (Escaped would be a better description of what happened!) It sounds as if Neville Chamberlain, himself, had written it.

When I say the ISG I don’t meant the “Iraq Study Group”, I mean the “Iraq Surrender Group”! For that is what it turned out to be… even as we knew it would from the moment of its creation.

The group offered nothing but dozens and dozens of suggestions on how the US could, and should, cover it’s a-- while retreating from Iraq! Again, as in the 1930’s we are appeasing the enemy.

Churchill said: “An appeaser is one who feeds the crocodile hoping it will eat him last”! The Islamofacist crocodile will continue its attack, even if we run away. Millions more innocent people will die because we did not have the courage and the moral clarity to see the world we live in today as it really is and not the clouded rose colored vision our leaders are pushing upon us.

“Victory will never be found by taking the line of least resistance”! Again, that was Churchill.

Fighting and winning wars is a hard thing. It is usually the most difficult thing a nation is ever called upon to do. What the Leftists from both the Democrat Party and the Republican Party, in America, are calling upon this great nation to do is… to take the path of least resistance. We are being told we must surrender for we have no chance at victory. I submit to you… we haven’t tried for victory yet. We’ve been too busy trying to appease the enemy while at the same time our troops are being killed for nothing!

Unleash the US Military, put in the numbers of troops needed to complete the mission (and then some), and get it done. If we must resort to nuclear weapons, then don’t hesitate. Use them.

Let’s clean the mess we have in Iraq up, acquire victory, and THEN we can bring our troops home.

In closing, I want to leave you with something to think about. The American Left, and the Leftist in the Mainstream Media, is forcing the US Military to resort to Nuclear Weapons to fight, and win, wars in the future. It’s something to think about, and something to look forward to in a future post.


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Saturday, August 18, 2007

A Cloudy Mystery! by: Alan Caruba

A Cloudy Mystery
By Alan Caruba

There’s a reason why one should be extremely wary of the computer models that are cited by the endless doomsday predictions of Al Gore, the UN’s International Panel on Climate Change, and all the other advocates of “global warming.”

The reason is clouds. Computer models simply cannot provide for the constant variability of clouds, so they ignore them.

In a July issue of The Economist there was an article, “Grey-Sky thinking” subtitled, “Without understanding clouds, understanding the climate is hard. And clouds are the least understood part of the atmosphere.” Since the increasingly rabid claims of Earth’s destruction from rising temperatures depend on computer modeling, how can they be regarded as accurate if they must largely exempt or deliberately manipulate the impact of clouds?

How can you make predictions, whether it’s a week or a decade from now, if you haven’t a clue why clouds do what they do?

Tim Garrett, a research meteorologist at the University of Utah, with refreshing candor has said, “We really do not know what’s going on. There are so many basic unanswered questions on how they (clouds) work.” And that is never mentioned in the great “global warming” debate, one we are continuously told is “decided” and upon which there is a vast scientific “consensus.”

This is particularly significant because clouds act to both cool and warm the Earth. It is widely believed that high clouds can reflect solar radiation away from the planet, but they can also serve to trap heat in the atmosphere. New studies, however, have given some cause to reconsider this. Moreover, cloud droplets can last for less than a second while whole clouds can live out their lives in minutes or days. There is no way to integrate such massive, constant change into a computer model that divides the world into boxes up to sixty miles on a side, so they mostly do not.

This is why there are two new missions by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration involving highly sophisticated devices to measure and study the actions of clouds. This is also why, up to now, the computer models on which “global warming” claims have been made have actually been tweaked, adjusted, manipulated—take your choice of terms—to factor in the mystery of clouds.

How wide is the computer modeling gap when it comes to predicting the weather? The Economist reported that, “In a recent paper in Climate Dynamics, Mark Webb of Britain’s Hadley Centre for Climate Change and his colleagues reported that clouds account for 66% of the differences between members of one important group of models and for 85% of them in another group.” Clouds simply defy the logarithms of computer modelers.

In short, “Too much still remains unknown about the physical mechanisms that determine cloud behavior,” said The Economist.

Here’s a useful scientific definition of the weather: “atmospheric conditions at a given time and a particular location.” Drive a few miles in any direction and the weather is likely to be different. Stay put and it will change soon enough. My other favorite definition is “chaos.”

In an August 2002 article, “The Trouble with the Weather”, the European Space Agency noted that, “Forecasting the weather remains notoriously difficult because the atmosphere is not easy to predict, being affected by such factors as air pressure and temperature, air movements, the distribution of water in its various states (clouds) in the atmosphere, and static electricity stored in the air.”

“Clouds are that 800-pound gorilla,” says research meteorologist, Gerald Mace, also of the University of Utah, referring to the critical role they play in the weather on any portion of planet Earth.

That gorilla, however, is never mentioned by the “global warming” propagandists. Neither clouds, nor volcanoes, nor the most important factor, the Sun, is credited as responsible for either the climate or the weather. Instead, we are constantly told that “human activity” is the single cause.

Unmentioned, too, is the fact that water vapor constitutes 95% of all greenhouse gases. Environmentalists insist that carbon dioxide plays a major role. It is well to keep in mind, however, that CO2 is the gas that is vital to the growth of all vegetation on Earth. Nor do global warming advocates remind people that the Earth is at the end of the interglacial period between Ice Ages which suggests another one is due any day now.

Indeed, the only global warming that is occurring has been happening since the end of the last mini-Ice Age in the 1800s. It is a natural response and is not a dramatic rise of four to ten degrees. It doesn’t even represent one-half a degree increase.

Following the publication of the results of new study in the journal of the American Geophysical Union revealing that the absence of clouds actually had a cooling affect—the opposite of widely held opinion on the role of clouds—Dr. Roy Spencer of the Earth System Science Center noted that, “To give an idea of how strong this enhanced cooling mechanism is, if it was operating on global warming, it would reduce estimates of future warming by over 75 percent. The big question that no one can answer right now is whether this enhanced cooling mechanism applies to global warming.”

If leading meteorologists remain largely ignorant of why clouds do what they do, why would we pay any attention to those with a financial or ideological incentive to propagate “global warming” claims? There is, however, a difference between being ignorant and being stupid. Believing the “global warming” lies is stupid.

Alan Caruba writes a weekly column, “Warning Signs”, posted on the Internet site of The National Anxiety Center, His book, “Right Answers: Separating Fact from Fantasy”, is published by Merril Press.
© Alan Caruba, August 2007

Friday, August 17, 2007

How to Lose a War!

How to Lose a War

At the risk of sounding negative toward our military… and… at the risk of being accused of putting our military down… something needs to be said.

Simply put, we are in the mess in Iraq, today, because we have tried everything, in Iraq, but fighting a war!


The Left in this country has sold America the limp-wristed idea that everyone is just alike and we can all just get along. Well the truth is, that’s a lie! BUT, it’s a lie they have sold and that Americans have bought. Why? Because if fits into the world view of the anti-war folks who manage to actually touch reality when some one shoves the barrel of an AK-47 up their nose!

Look, I am long past believing we are going to win the war in Iraq. First, the democrats cannot allow that to happen… and they won’t. Second, there is no desire on the part of Americans to actually win a decisive victory. As I said above… they want to join hands in a circle and sing Kum Baya while the world goes to hell in a handbag.

I hate to tell you this folks, but that attitude is going to get America relegated to the dust heap of history and it may very well get you, and your family, killed.

To do what needs to be done in Iraq and Afghanistan, we need to actually fight the war. So far we have not done that. We have been too busy nation building. The US has absolutely no business trying to nation build. Our Military needs to be about the business of destroying nations.

To actually fight a war… we’re going to have to get our hands dirty. We are going to have to do things they most of you think civilized human beings don’t do. I’m here to tell you the civilized human being who wishes to remain alive will do whatever it takes!

When the US actually decides to fight a war in Iraq, two things will happen almost immediately: One, we will win, and two: we will take far fewer casualties while we are winning.

But we have two problems today. One: our government does not have the testosterone to fight a war through to victory… and two: the generals in our military today are emasculated. They need to be sent packing and “fighting generals” put in their places. And finally… fire every lawyer working for the military. Get them the hell off the battlefield and out of the war planning rooms. Sometimes fighting a successful war means you have to do things that civilized society finds unacceptable. But that should never stop us from doing those things… if… doing them will bring us victory.

But, the sad truth is, we don’t have leaders willing to lead anymore. We don’t have leaders with the steel in their backbones and love of their country in their hearts. When you order men into war, or lead men into war, you need both those things. We don’t have them anymore.

The bottom line is… unless we Americans are prepared to do the dirty, ugly, unthinkable thing on the battlefield, we have no hope of winning. Our enemies already know this and they are exploiting it to the utmost. They are calling America a paper tiger and they are right. We are a shell of who we were just a generation ago.

The enemies of America are prepared to do whatever it takes to defeat us. No matter how dirty, how ugly, how inhuman (and unhuman), it might be… they have no qualms about doing whatever it takes to win. And they will keep coming until they win or we annihilate them. Since the US, as we know it today, is not prepared to annihilate an entire people, then we are sure to lose. Our enemies know that. They are prepared to continue this war for as long as it takes to bring America to her knees. THEY know they have already won.


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Thursday, August 16, 2007

Control the Flow of Information and You Control the Lives of Americans!

Control the Flow of Information and You Control the Lives of Americans!


That's where America is headed. Until the Fairness Doctrine was trashed, in the late 1980's the Left in America controlled the flow of information to Americans. Daily Newspapers, radio news, TV news, Public Affairs programs on the broadcast media, all the major news outlets espoused views to the left of the views of average Americans.

Consumers of news, in the US, were covered up with left wing news and views and leftward slanted editorializing… even with what would have been legitimate news stories.

Then the country actually allowed freedom of speech on the broadcast media and the tidal wave of conservative news and views and opinion swept all before it. The power of conservative ideas mauled the left wing media, badly. Conservative broadcasters, alone, can move the conservative giant in America to action unlike anything the left wing has seen. They knew the conservative giant was there but they kept it in a state of slumber with their monotone left wing mutterings. They knew that once the power of conservatism was loosed it would wreak havoc on their left wing propaganda machine. And it did!

When the right wing “talkers’ roared aloud on the AM broadcast spectrum… the conservatives… who had been slumbering in a left wing induced stupor, awoke and shrugged off the mantle of doom and gloom and pessimism and began to flex muscles they had forgotten they had. For the first time since the 1940’s conservative Americans had a voice. A voice in the public square! And they USED it!

Soon it became apparent that conservative spokesmen on the airwaves welded immense power…the power to move Americans to action… the power to influence elections… the power to influence legislation in the Congress and far more dangerous… the power to disseminate the truth to a truth starved nation. Conservative talk radio became the moving force in America. With some 70% of Americans holding conservative views, to one degree or another, on politics, religion, and social practices, the left wing suddenly found itself struggling to be heard above the booming voices from the right. Every attempt at re-establishing a beachhead on the broadcast spectrum was crushed save for one government sponsored broadcast system, paid for by tax money from conservatives as well as liberals.

The one area in American life where the left still holds the reins of power is in the various government agencies. The American government is run by liberals who train from the crib to college for lives as bureaucrats holding power over the masses. That kind of job is anathema to conservatives. As a result, few real conservatives work in government. But for those liberals who do, the writing has been on the wall for sometime. The conservative talkers on the broadcast media are thwarting them and those powerful conservatives must be stopped!

But… what to do? Ahhh. That is the question. Re-imposition of the Fairness Doctrine… plus, add on the Equal Time Rule. (By the way, for those of you not familiar with broadcasting… the “Fairness Doctrine” and the “Equal Time Rule” are separate things… not one and the same… as many people think.) The left knows the Fairness Doctrine alone will squash right wing talkers and the Equal Time Rule will bury them.

And… it is pay back time! After the right wing talkers moved their audiences to crush the Amnesty Bill in the US Senate, the left wing began to gear up to crush the upstarts on the right.

It has been said there is no conservative leadership in Washington DC, in the US government. That is true. So… where does the right wing leadership come from? Of course, the conservative leadership comes for the right wing radio hosts and TV hosts. The seat of power for the right wing in America is on the Broadcast spectrum! On the Internet, conservative bloggers are catching up, and quickly.

The Conservative Internet? Well, it is young and suffering the pangs of youth but… it IS growing and… it IS becoming stronger on a daily basis. Blogs, such as this one, and millions of other right wing blogs are carrying the “Conservative Message” to the entire world… not just to the US! The left knows they cannot hope to vanquish the “conservative movement” in America by silencing right wing radio and TV alone. To be effective they MUST silence both the right wing broadcasters and the right wing bloggers. They are two sides of the same coin.

Conservatives must not relax during this time of “pull-back” by the left. They’ll come roaring back, in a few weeks, and silencing the “conservative message machine” will be second on their minds... only... to winning the election in ’08!

Be ready!


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