The first rule of “hole digging” is: when you find yourself in one… stop digging!
In New Orleans, not only are we still digging, but we are digging faster, and deeper, and with the money of the American taxpayer!
Let’s look reality in the face, shall we? New Orleans will NEVER be saved! The city is doomed! The American taxpayer can pour the nation’s entire treasury into that sump hole and it will never be enough!
Even the Native Americans would not build their villages and camps on the ground upon which much of the city of New Orleans sits today. Why? Because it is sinking! It has been sinking, for only God knows how long. They city has been doomed even before the corner stone of the first building was laid.
Location is only ONE of the problems with rescuing New Orleans. The overriding problem… and the one, which ensures the city’s eventual demised is… the people… not just the people… but also the attitude of the people.
New Orleans is as close to a third world country as you are likely to find within the borders of the United States. As long as the citizens of the US continue to flood that wasteland with money, it will suck up every dime and demand more… much as they are doing now. A century from now, New Orleans will still be sucking from the Federal Teat and complaining that not enough taxpayer largesse is coming their way.
Now… here is the almost unbelievable situation as it really is: No matter how much money, no matter how many man-hours of labor, are poured into that swamp… none of it matters. New Orleans is on track to be struck again… and flooded again … with the same results as Katrina, only… at the cost of even more taxpayer money! It is not a question of IF it will be hit by another hurricane, it is a matter of WHEN. It could be this 2007 hurricane season, or next, or the next… but it will be destroyed… again.
And another thing, if you have deluded yourself into believing that those folks who would not leave, who would not get out of the path of Katrina, will surely leave and get out of the path of the next storm, I have to tell you… you are sadly mistaken. What we all saw when Katrina struck, and the citizenry of New Orleans did so little to protect themselves, their families and their property, is the result of generations of people depending on the Federal Government for their livelihood, for the food on their tables, and for their safety. That kind of dependency breeds “helplessness” to fend for oneself, or one’s family, and we all saw where that leads when disaster strikes. A poor, bewildered, huddled mass of “helpless” people pleading for help, unable to help themselves because they don’t know how! They’ve never HAD to fend for themselves, they have never HAD to take responsibility for themselves… and suddenly, ALL THAT is required of them… and they cannot respond.
Essentially what has happened is…. New Orleans has been adopted as a ward of the Federal Government… FOREVER! My grandkids will STILL be paying for the upkeep of New Orleans long after I am dead and gone!
Soon after Katrina, I suggested that the city be abandoned and a NEW New Orleans built on higher ground. Oh, but you say, that will destroy the ambience of New Orleans. Yes, it will. But, I have to tell you… I ain’t big on ambience when I’m paying for it with my taxpayer dollars!
Seems to me we have two viable options in dealing with New Orleans: One raze the city, bull doze it, and rebuild on higher ground, … or… two: give it back to France, along with a few hundred billion US dollars to boot. The latter would be less expensive for the taxpayers of the US than continuing to pour money into a completely hopeless, helpless, city. Rebuilding the nation of Iraq will turn out to be less expensive. At some point we will abandon Iraq. Unless we can convince France to take New Orleans back, we’re stuck with it!
It is not only an all too expensive project; it is not only a fool’s errand, it is embarrassing, as well.
In New Orleans, not only are we still digging, but we are digging faster, and deeper, and with the money of the American taxpayer!
Let’s look reality in the face, shall we? New Orleans will NEVER be saved! The city is doomed! The American taxpayer can pour the nation’s entire treasury into that sump hole and it will never be enough!
Even the Native Americans would not build their villages and camps on the ground upon which much of the city of New Orleans sits today. Why? Because it is sinking! It has been sinking, for only God knows how long. They city has been doomed even before the corner stone of the first building was laid.
Location is only ONE of the problems with rescuing New Orleans. The overriding problem… and the one, which ensures the city’s eventual demised is… the people… not just the people… but also the attitude of the people.
New Orleans is as close to a third world country as you are likely to find within the borders of the United States. As long as the citizens of the US continue to flood that wasteland with money, it will suck up every dime and demand more… much as they are doing now. A century from now, New Orleans will still be sucking from the Federal Teat and complaining that not enough taxpayer largesse is coming their way.
Now… here is the almost unbelievable situation as it really is: No matter how much money, no matter how many man-hours of labor, are poured into that swamp… none of it matters. New Orleans is on track to be struck again… and flooded again … with the same results as Katrina, only… at the cost of even more taxpayer money! It is not a question of IF it will be hit by another hurricane, it is a matter of WHEN. It could be this 2007 hurricane season, or next, or the next… but it will be destroyed… again.
And another thing, if you have deluded yourself into believing that those folks who would not leave, who would not get out of the path of Katrina, will surely leave and get out of the path of the next storm, I have to tell you… you are sadly mistaken. What we all saw when Katrina struck, and the citizenry of New Orleans did so little to protect themselves, their families and their property, is the result of generations of people depending on the Federal Government for their livelihood, for the food on their tables, and for their safety. That kind of dependency breeds “helplessness” to fend for oneself, or one’s family, and we all saw where that leads when disaster strikes. A poor, bewildered, huddled mass of “helpless” people pleading for help, unable to help themselves because they don’t know how! They’ve never HAD to fend for themselves, they have never HAD to take responsibility for themselves… and suddenly, ALL THAT is required of them… and they cannot respond.
Essentially what has happened is…. New Orleans has been adopted as a ward of the Federal Government… FOREVER! My grandkids will STILL be paying for the upkeep of New Orleans long after I am dead and gone!
Soon after Katrina, I suggested that the city be abandoned and a NEW New Orleans built on higher ground. Oh, but you say, that will destroy the ambience of New Orleans. Yes, it will. But, I have to tell you… I ain’t big on ambience when I’m paying for it with my taxpayer dollars!
Seems to me we have two viable options in dealing with New Orleans: One raze the city, bull doze it, and rebuild on higher ground, … or… two: give it back to France, along with a few hundred billion US dollars to boot. The latter would be less expensive for the taxpayers of the US than continuing to pour money into a completely hopeless, helpless, city. Rebuilding the nation of Iraq will turn out to be less expensive. At some point we will abandon Iraq. Unless we can convince France to take New Orleans back, we’re stuck with it!
It is not only an all too expensive project; it is not only a fool’s errand, it is embarrassing, as well.
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