Saturday, July 16, 2005

A Recess Appointment?

The next "Congressional Recess" begins at the end of this month, on July 30th. Look for a “Recess Appointment” of John Bolton to the job of US Ambassador to the United Nations during that recess.

Neither side has given in, or up. The President certainly has not, and Bolton is attempting to enlarge his office space, or the office space set-aside for the UN ambassador, in DC.

It would seem President Bush made his decision on who should fill that post and he intends to stick by it and see that, one way or another, Mr. Bolton gets to the UN.

We applaud the President for sticking with his choice and for sticking his finger in the Senate’s eye!

Way to go, Mr. President!

If the President does make a Recess Appointment of Bolton, it will be extremely difficult for the Senate NOT to confirm him next time his name is submitted as a permanent ambassador to the UN.

The thing I can’t understand, for the life of me, is why the Democrats continue to do this to themselves and to their party. They come across, to the American people as the party of “kooks”, “has-beens” and “never-will-bes”. Not too long ago, the Democrat party was a force to be dealt with. No longer. Now they are a nagging “pain in rear-end” of the country. They have allowed hatred, bigotry, and their party-wide inferiority complex to dictate the goals of their once powerful party. Now the bill has come due.

I have said it before but it bears saying again… I can only pity what was once a proud political party with the welfare of the country as their primary concern. The Democrat Party have fallen so far as to be a laughing stock of the masses of Americans who still revere their God, their families, and their country.

Stalling the inevitable confirmation of Mr. Bolton to the UN and mudding up the waters in advance of the Supreme Court nominee(s) is evidence of their impotency. It is a sad thing to behold.

But, they got themselves into the mess they’re embroiled in, with no help from us conservatives, and only they can get themselves out of it.

The Dems may find, in another decade, or so, they have to go out of business as the Democrat Party and create another (new) political party from the ground up. They may find, as many of us now feel, the current Democrat Party is entirely too sick to survive.

In the meantime, conservatives are looking with anticipation at the confirmation of Mr. Bolton, to the UN, and confirmation of possibly 4 conservative nominees to the Supreme Court.


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