Thursday, December 29, 2005

Web Site Recommended by Longstreet

Every now and again, a website will come to my attention that I feel is worthy of endorsing and passing along to my readers. Such is the case with this one titled: "The Wrong Army".

I was informed of this site by a friend who, himself, is a former Marine. I'd like to thank him for pointing me in the direction of this site. Now, I want to return the favor by recommending that you click on the address below and go visit "The Wrong Army".

To those who have served the US, in uniform, thank you for serving!



Anonymous said...

"The Wrong Army" is a fantastic website! I recommend every American take a look at it!

Anonymous said...

No No No, I never criticized the men and women in unform following the code of war as being wrong! It is wrong that our service men and women have to buy alot of their equipment themselves. It is wrong thay are not armed with the best weapons and not protected by the best armor available on the planet. And it is wrong to send them to war without the best intelligence information and not for the right reasons, and into the right areas of the world to best defend our nation. And we must also elect the BEST LEADERS with the best actual military experience that is all I say. If it was George Bush instead of George Washington he would have went to war with Italy to gain our independence from England and delivered our Declaration of Independence to Spain.