Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Has Hillary’s Campaign begun? OH, YES!

Has Hillary’s Campaign begun? OH, YES!

We are delighted to see that Mrs. Clinton has begun her campaign for the ‘08 Democratic Presidential Nomination. We can only hope, against hope, that her party bestows it’s blessings upon her and gives her the much sought after nod as their candidate in ‘08 against, an, as yet, undeclared Republican candidate, … and winner.

Republicans are praying Hillary will be their opponent. We have no very strong candidate to run, at least… not at this time, so, we want, so much, for the Democrats to run one we can beat right from the get go. If there was ever such a Democratic candidate, it is Hillary.

Hillary, the far left winger, the feminist, the hate America cheerleader, the socialist, the, oh well, you get the picture. Over the years she has given the GOP all the ammo it needs and then some. Plus … her husband. Dear ole Bill. He’ll be back to grace the hallowed halls of the Whitehouse, and again, turn it into a whorehouse. There have been presidents who have made the Presidency a joke, but the Clintons made it a “dirty” joke.

So, we welcome Hillary to the contest. The bashing will begin immediately.

Now, if we can only get Howard Dean as the leader of the DNC! Wow, what a dream ticket… for Republicans.

Your Obedient Servant,


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