Monday, March 27, 2006

Destroying America from Within!

The folks over at "California Conservative" have nailed the Illegal Immigartion problem.

Read about it at:

Nailed it... didn't they?



Anonymous said...

from the article itself, "organized in large part by left-wing anti-American-sovereignty organizations" stop the partisan finger pointing..... many protestors are right-wing Cubans. Some speculation has ven been if this goes throught the republicans may never win Florida again. There are as many people on both sides of the politcal spectrum that are on both sides of this issue but the majority of Americans (private citizens) on both sides and in the middle of the isle are for securing the borders, I am, I only suggest debate and all ramifications of each action be looked at... Don't do something in haste you may regret later type of thing.

Longstreet said...

We don't NEED new laws to deal with the illegal immigration problem. We got into this mess because we failed to enforce the laws already on the books. Why in the world should we believe the Immigration authorities will enforce the NEW laws??? They won't.

Anonymous said...

I happen to agree with Longstreet (Yeah I know) about a lot of issues we have enough laws they are just not enforced.... same as gun control legislation.... we don't need new laws, we need to enforce the ones already on the books. (imagine that from leftist Frank!) Everytime a law is passed someone somewhere losses freedoms (needlessly on most cases) do we need more legislation? My feeling is NO not at all!!!!!