Thursday, March 23, 2006

Perspective on the 2400 Dead Americans in Iraq War

Somewhere, somehow, Americans got it into their heads that the US could fight and win a war with no causalities. I blame, of course, part of that on Clinton’s high altitude war in Bosnia. You can punish an enemy from the air, but you cannot conquer an enemy short of having boots on the ground and taking and holding ground. Now, when you put armed soldiers on the ground to face off with the enemies soldiers, also armed to the teeth, people are going to get killed. That is a fact of war!

The US has been in Iraq for three years last Saturday. In that three-year period we have lost 2400 American troops killed in the war. Look closely at that figure … 2400.

Now, I’m not going to hit you with the old saw that any death is a bad death… because it isn’t true. If a soldier gives his life so that others may live, or so that others may be free, or to help provide safety for his family and his country, then that soldier has not died in vain and his death is not bad.

Let me see if we can put those 2400 dead US soldiers in some kind of perspective:

In three years 2400 US servicemen and women have been killed

In that same 3-year period
120,000 Americans were killed in Automobile accidents.

In that same three-year period
45, 000 Americans were killed in falls.

In that same three-year period
27,000 Americans were killed from poison.

In that same three-year period 12,000 Americans were killed by drowning.

Do you see how the 2400 deaths of American servicemen, and service women, has been skewed to make it appear that our troops are being slaughtered in Iraq? Now, why would anyone do that? Simple. It’s the crowd of “peaceniks” who support dictators and brutal regimes, and hate America, who use relatively low casualty figures to gin up emotions and then they direct those emotions in the direction they want them to go… and that is… to make America, and America’s President, look as bad, in the eyes of the world, as it is within their power to do.

Never forget, they have the Mainstream Media on THEIR side. The Propaganda Machine of the left is in full throat condemning America for every bad thing in the world, real or imagined.

The people of America need to get a grip! Stop whining long enough to see the damage such behavior causes our troops in Iraq. Understand that such behavior causes deaths among American troops. Understand such behavior emboldens our enemies. Not to mention that such behavior makes America, all of us, look like a paper tiger, a nations of wussies!

Have you noticed that the bulk of this Hate America behavior is coming from the Baby Boomer crowd? Frankly, I trust their kids more, with the security of America, than I do that generation of spoiled brats!

The men and women wearing the uniform of the US Military deserve the respect of every American. They are that thin line standing between America and absolute slavery in a theocracy.

And finally, as for any American “would be” comedians who think they are better prepared to make military decisions because they are better educated than the American military man, guess who I’m gonna choose to go back to back with in a fight? Huh?



Longstreet said...

During the Civil War, 7,000 Americans died in twenty minutes at the Battle of Cold Harbor! That is the populations of a couple of small American towns.

Anonymous said...

Yes but can anyone from this regime tell me why we are there? A valid Damn reason, sorry for the language but you facist loving retards need to get it through your heads, we are there over a lie!